Saturday, July 3, 2010

India unsuited for democracy

Another recurrent theme in Jinnah's speeches is that a united India was not suited for democracy.  Nor were the Hindus suited to democracy.

Unless otherwise mentioned, the source of the quotes is "Speeches, Statements & Messages of the Quaid-E-Azam" in 4 volumes, collected and edited by Khurshid Ahmad Khan Yusufi, and published from Bazm-i-Iqbal, Lahore.

The Congress spoke of democracy, joint electorates and national government responsible to the elected members of the Legislature.  If that was accepted, it meant Hindu Kingdom and Hindu Raj. ...Continuing Mr Jinnah said that democracy was entirely alien to Hindu life and society.  They talked of democracy merely for the purpose of votes.  He quoted the instance of six crores of untouchables to say nothing about Mussalmans from whose hands they would not take water or food.  Every ingredient of democracy was lacking in Hindu society.

Speech at a public meeting
Ahmedabad, Dec 27, 1940.
The Civil & Military Gazette, Dec 29, 1940
The Congress talked of democracy, joint electorates and a national government responsible to the elected members of the Legislature.  Democracy did not exist anywhere in the world in the strict sense of the word.  Even in England it was the ruling class that governed, but in India even such a democracy was not possible.  There was nothing in common between Hindus and Muslims socially and culturally, to say nothing about religion.  Where was the substance of a nation and expression of national will upon which even the diluted so-called democracy that obtained in England could be adopted in India?

Speech at a public meeting
Ahmedabad, Dec 28, 1940
The Civil & Military Gazette, Dec 31, 1940
Muslims could not accept a constituent assembly formed on adult franchise or even a national government at the centre such as was demanded by the Poona resolution of the Congress.

Speech at the League Council meeting
New Delhi, Feb 23, 1941
The Star of India Feb 24, 1941
The irony of the situation that the Hindu caste community which is not only least fitted but unfit for any experiment in the realm of democracy is clamouring for and is falling head over heels in love with democracy.

Speech at the meeting of the Muslim University Union
Aligarh, March 10, 1941.
Archives of Freedom Movement, Vol. 237.

(Post started on July 3, 2010).

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